Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Meet the Team: Mike "The Glue" Wilson

We have a great team here at Emmanuel Church.  One of the teams within the team is the Weekend Services Team, which I have the privilege to lead.

In a previous post you met Tina Nohe, our Host Director at the Greenwood campus, and today we’d like you to meet another team member, Mike Wilson.

Mike is a "glue" team member.  Without him doing his job as Production Director at Emmanuel Church, many of the things you love about your church would fall apart.

The production team includes video, graphics, cameras, audio (the sound systems), lighting, set design, stage management, props, and many more things that you may or may not actually see, but believe  - they are there and you'll only notice some of them if they're not working right.

Mike oversees the team of service producers who 'keep the trains running on time' each weekend, and he also is responsible for Jeremy Woods, a part time Production Team member, and usually an intern or two.

Not only is Mike a dedicated worker, he also has a tender heart for God and we're thankful he decided to leave the construction business and join us on staff back in 2010.  His work is crucial at the Greenwood campus, and beyond that, the production team functioning at a high level is a big part of what will make the Banta campus and future multi-site campuses successful. 

The Saturday night sermon is what will be shown on the video screens at the multi-site campuses, so that means the Production Team is responsible to capture and edit the sermon Saturday and turn it around and have it ready to go in a few short hours.

Mike counts on over 70 volunteers to keep the excellence high and burnout low, so if you're gifted in these areas or you'd like to learn - he'd love to hear from you at

Here's what Mike said about being on the team:

I am a proud dad and grandpa.  My daughter's name is Courtney. She just graduated from nursing school and has two children: Elise age 5 and Noah age 3.  My son Mark is a 22-year-old student and full time worker.

I came to Emmanuel 20 years ago when I moved back after spending 11 years living on the east coast. My relationship with God has been a journey of grace, and I'm very thankful for the chance to be on the Weekend Services Team at Emmanuel Church.

The vision of seeing people come to Christ and grow in Christ is what drives our team.  What we do is only possible because so many people have decided to "grab a towel" and do whatever it takes to see this vision fulfilled in a way that makes people want to come back.

The reason I'm excited about our church is because I have many friends who are still not  involved in church or do not have a relationship with God. I'm proud to be part of a church that is designed to reach them and see them learn to follow Jesus.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meet the Team - Tina Nohe

from Steve...

We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses.  In my role as team leader, there are a few things I'm specifically good at doing, there are also many things I'm not that great at, but then here's the catch - I'm still responsible to make sure everything gets done. If our team is to partner with God to serve thousands of people with a consistent weekend experience that makes them want to come back, then its obvious we have to get many more ideas, perspectives, talents, and hands involved than just mine.

This is why we've always believed in team around here. Our pastor, Danny (you can follow him on Twitter: @dannyanderson23), has consistently modeled team leadership. When someone stands up on stage and sings or speaks, there are scores of people invested at high levels that you might never notice, and the next few blog posts are going to be dedicated to introducing some of them to you.  

Appropriately first is the person with the birthday this week!

Let me introduce you to Tina Nohe.  Tina is the Host Director at the Greenwood Campus here at Emmanuel Church, and she just celebrated her birthday on March 5. Tina has been married to Dan Nohe for 27 years.  Dan is the Facilities Director here at our Greenwood Campus.  They have two sons – Tyler (25) married to Jessica Nohe, and Kyle (22). 

from Tina (

I started attending Emmanuel with my parents when I was 14. (33 years ago…let me save you the trouble - I’m 47.)  My first several years on staff were on the Student Ministry Team, and then over two years ago, I transitioned onto the Weekend Services Team.

My job as the Host Team Director means that I oversee 6 teams - Parking, Information Center, Ushers, Coffee, Greeters, and Hospitality.  Its awesome to see the Host Team in action, because not only are they taking care of guests and giving them a great first impression, but for many people on the Host Team, this is the first team they have served on at a church.  The team has over 200 people and we have room for you to join us!

As a staff member, I work with "churched" people all week, but I still try to live out the vision of seeing people come to Christ and grow in Christ.  Right now, I’m burdened about a new group of people I was recently introduced to, and I plan to discover their stories, show them the love of Jesus, develop a relationship, and invite them to Emmanuel.

Monday, January 28, 2013

2nd chances or not?

What's the big deal about 2nd chances?

Why are 2nd chances so important to me, and why should they be so important to you?

This is a tough topic, but we are obligated to get this right.  I’ll get to that in a minute.

Here are some types of people I’ve observed:
  • Some can hold a grudge for a lifetime. 
  • Many of us have a hard time with forgiving people that have wronged us, which is understandable. 
  • Many of that same group can forgive as long as they weren’t personally affected. 
  • There is a group of people that forgives, but are cautious with future trust, so almost with a conditional type of forgiveness, they wait to see how the forgiven behaves in the future. 
  • Some people forgive quickly and are ready to move on immediately with full trust restored.

Stories like Lance Armstrong, Michael Vick, Michael English (or pick your politician / TV preacher) tend to reveal where we land on how to treat people that blow it.

Where do you tend to land?  Where does God land about them?  Where did He land about you?

2nd chances are a big deal to me, because I’ve been a big recipient of them. 

My story is one of foolish, selfish & immature choices, and all while I grew up in a Christian family, and then while serving at a church on staff.  As sin goes, everything came crashing down.  As I travelled to Indiana, went through a divorce, started parenting from afar by sending child support and visiting a few times a year, I was at the bottom and didn’t deserve anything but to stay there.  Nothing turned out like I thought it would.  I had lost everything.  Eventually, I stopped running and took the invitation of a friend to visit a church on the south side of Indy.

A pastor, a church body, new friends, my former pastor, my parents, old friends, the list goes on and on – all rallied around me.  They listened, forgave, prayed, counseled, and overwhelmed me with the concept that my life and my usefulness to God were not over, and over time, I started to believe them.

There were bumps (called consequences), and there will be more, but I’m 10 years past being at “rock bottom” and God has given me a giant 2nd chance at marriage, parenting, ministry, and relationships with people that could have turned their back on me.

Maybe your story is similar to mine, or maybe its completely different.  Maybe you are in need of a 2nd chance right now.  If you’ll look closely, there is probably someone in your life who desperately needs you to give him or her a 2nd chance.

What would God say or do?  Is He sulking or angry?  Is He shocked and surprised that we blew it?  Is He dreaming up our punishment?  Luke 15:11-32 would make a strong case that He is on the “porch” waiting, looking, concerned – ready for a glimpse of us to turn the corner and head towards home.  

There’s a vivid image in my memory of God running at me, diving for my neck, and holding me in the most tender, forgiving hug ever imagined.  He didn’t need an explanation.  It was enough that I had come home.  The tears in my eyes as I write remind me that its hard to forget what He's done for me and how much He loves me.

Here’s why we are obligated to get this right as we look at others – because He has done it for us, time after time.  Even though we hurt Him, rejected Him, thought we knew better, disgraced His name – need me to go on?

As you reflect on your story, you really have no choice but to react exactly like God did when you realized you were at rock bottom, living with the pigs, and you simply wanted to come home. 

We didn’t earn or deserve a 2nd chance.  What we deserved was to be treated like we treated Him.  Instead, He threw us a party.

2nd chances are my whole story.  What about you?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stay Home!!!!

Please don't come to church anymore!

Yep - you are reading that correctly.  We are starting a new campaign for 1,000 people to stay home on Sundays.  Strange?  Unloving?  We still are a church - right?  That is a church that exists to see "people come to Christ and grow in Christ" - right?

All of that is true, and it is actually so important to us, we want you to stay home to help us reach that vision...

On Sunday...

Our Sunday 11:15 am service is packed, so we need you to be 1 of the 1,000 that will start coming on Saturday nights at 5:30 pm.

Did I get you back now?  Are you with me?

This is something you can do to help Emmanuel Church fulfill our vision.  It is fun to be in a packed church service.  A large crowd is exciting, it brings energy to the room, and it can make your personal church experience that much better.  That's true for you and me, because we're already church people.

BUT!!!!! For those who are just coming back to church after being gone for years, it can be intimidating to find a seat and beyond frustrating waiting in lines out in the parking lot.

So we want to create space.  We actually want to create space by taking your space from you.  The way space will be created is for you to attend a different service.

Thanks for doing this - giving up your seat at the most popular service time means someone else can fill it.  Someone with a forever.  Someone's parent, child, co-worker, neighbor, or friend.

Here's Pastor Danny with a message to you about joining the 1,000.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Best new music...

You tell me, but I don't think its just my opinion when I say "Music makes everything better."

It can change your mood, focus your thoughts, help you relax, or get you through grueling exercise.

So how do you know who to listen to?  I'm so glad you asked - just let me be your guide!

We'll start with a relatively new worship project - alright lets go with two of them.  They are both from North Point Community Church and if you only purchase the title tracks, you'll have two new favorites.

Some are familiar, but some are new and you are absolutely going to be blown away.  Many of these will be used on the weekends at Emmanuel Church, and this will get you ready to worship before you get here on the weekend.

C'mon - go get 'em - you'll be glad you did, I promise.  Buy them for your kids - its an investment in their soul.

Here & Now can be downloaded here from iTunes

No One Higher can be downloaded here from iTunes

Tell everybody you know, and let me know what you think!

Don't miss Andy Stanley's new book!

If you're in the ministry and love new ideas, or if you attend a ministry, or if you're even just mildly interested in how God is still using people and churches to help change lives - the ministry of Andy Stanley at North Point Community Church in the Atlanta area is worth reading about.

Here is the article at CNN.

The name of the book is "Deep & Wide - Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend"

Here is the link to purchase the book - you will learn so much!