Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stay Home!!!!

Please don't come to church anymore!

Yep - you are reading that correctly.  We are starting a new campaign for 1,000 people to stay home on Sundays.  Strange?  Unloving?  We still are a church - right?  That is a church that exists to see "people come to Christ and grow in Christ" - right?

All of that is true, and it is actually so important to us, we want you to stay home to help us reach that vision...

On Sunday...

Our Sunday 11:15 am service is packed, so we need you to be 1 of the 1,000 that will start coming on Saturday nights at 5:30 pm.

Did I get you back now?  Are you with me?

This is something you can do to help Emmanuel Church fulfill our vision.  It is fun to be in a packed church service.  A large crowd is exciting, it brings energy to the room, and it can make your personal church experience that much better.  That's true for you and me, because we're already church people.

BUT!!!!! For those who are just coming back to church after being gone for years, it can be intimidating to find a seat and beyond frustrating waiting in lines out in the parking lot.

So we want to create space.  We actually want to create space by taking your space from you.  The way space will be created is for you to attend a different service.

Thanks for doing this - giving up your seat at the most popular service time means someone else can fill it.  Someone with a forever.  Someone's parent, child, co-worker, neighbor, or friend.

Here's Pastor Danny with a message to you about joining the 1,000.

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