Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Meet the Team: Mike "The Glue" Wilson

We have a great team here at Emmanuel Church.  One of the teams within the team is the Weekend Services Team, which I have the privilege to lead.

In a previous post you met Tina Nohe, our Host Director at the Greenwood campus, and today we’d like you to meet another team member, Mike Wilson.

Mike is a "glue" team member.  Without him doing his job as Production Director at Emmanuel Church, many of the things you love about your church would fall apart.

The production team includes video, graphics, cameras, audio (the sound systems), lighting, set design, stage management, props, and many more things that you may or may not actually see, but believe  - they are there and you'll only notice some of them if they're not working right.

Mike oversees the team of service producers who 'keep the trains running on time' each weekend, and he also is responsible for Jeremy Woods, a part time Production Team member, and usually an intern or two.

Not only is Mike a dedicated worker, he also has a tender heart for God and we're thankful he decided to leave the construction business and join us on staff back in 2010.  His work is crucial at the Greenwood campus, and beyond that, the production team functioning at a high level is a big part of what will make the Banta campus and future multi-site campuses successful. 

The Saturday night sermon is what will be shown on the video screens at the multi-site campuses, so that means the Production Team is responsible to capture and edit the sermon Saturday and turn it around and have it ready to go in a few short hours.

Mike counts on over 70 volunteers to keep the excellence high and burnout low, so if you're gifted in these areas or you'd like to learn - he'd love to hear from you at

Here's what Mike said about being on the team:

I am a proud dad and grandpa.  My daughter's name is Courtney. She just graduated from nursing school and has two children: Elise age 5 and Noah age 3.  My son Mark is a 22-year-old student and full time worker.

I came to Emmanuel 20 years ago when I moved back after spending 11 years living on the east coast. My relationship with God has been a journey of grace, and I'm very thankful for the chance to be on the Weekend Services Team at Emmanuel Church.

The vision of seeing people come to Christ and grow in Christ is what drives our team.  What we do is only possible because so many people have decided to "grab a towel" and do whatever it takes to see this vision fulfilled in a way that makes people want to come back.

The reason I'm excited about our church is because I have many friends who are still not  involved in church or do not have a relationship with God. I'm proud to be part of a church that is designed to reach them and see them learn to follow Jesus.

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