Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meet the Team - Tina Nohe

from Steve...

We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses.  In my role as team leader, there are a few things I'm specifically good at doing, there are also many things I'm not that great at, but then here's the catch - I'm still responsible to make sure everything gets done. If our team is to partner with God to serve thousands of people with a consistent weekend experience that makes them want to come back, then its obvious we have to get many more ideas, perspectives, talents, and hands involved than just mine.

This is why we've always believed in team around here. Our pastor, Danny (you can follow him on Twitter: @dannyanderson23), has consistently modeled team leadership. When someone stands up on stage and sings or speaks, there are scores of people invested at high levels that you might never notice, and the next few blog posts are going to be dedicated to introducing some of them to you.  

Appropriately first is the person with the birthday this week!

Let me introduce you to Tina Nohe.  Tina is the Host Director at the Greenwood Campus here at Emmanuel Church, and she just celebrated her birthday on March 5. Tina has been married to Dan Nohe for 27 years.  Dan is the Facilities Director here at our Greenwood Campus.  They have two sons – Tyler (25) married to Jessica Nohe, and Kyle (22). 

from Tina (

I started attending Emmanuel with my parents when I was 14. (33 years ago…let me save you the trouble - I’m 47.)  My first several years on staff were on the Student Ministry Team, and then over two years ago, I transitioned onto the Weekend Services Team.

My job as the Host Team Director means that I oversee 6 teams - Parking, Information Center, Ushers, Coffee, Greeters, and Hospitality.  Its awesome to see the Host Team in action, because not only are they taking care of guests and giving them a great first impression, but for many people on the Host Team, this is the first team they have served on at a church.  The team has over 200 people and we have room for you to join us!

As a staff member, I work with "churched" people all week, but I still try to live out the vision of seeing people come to Christ and grow in Christ.  Right now, I’m burdened about a new group of people I was recently introduced to, and I plan to discover their stories, show them the love of Jesus, develop a relationship, and invite them to Emmanuel.

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